A Flexible Approach to Electronics Engineering Solutions

In the current climate we are finding that customers are looking for supplier partners who can provide an end-to-end service with a flexible approach.  Some customers lead with a focus on design & development, others require support for contract manufacturing but all benefit from the end-to-end services that Pektron can provide.

As global supply chains have come under pressure, big global companies have turned to us for help in developing electronics that can face anything from the new technical challenges in developing Electric Vehicles to the quality demands required of the Safety sector.  Pektron finds itself in a strong position to help as it has integrated its own supply chain, investing in a state of the art moulding facility and extensive testing and validation facilities in our new Technical Centre.

The products we develop are designed and manufactured to stand the test of time and our solutions are designed for the long-term, factoring in future changes in technology, potential obsolescence and physical durability.

Here’s a quick overview of the range of services, products and sectors we currently work with:

This breadth of experience across industries along with complete control over our facilities enables Pektron to deliver innovative and reliable electronics solutions.  If you are looking for an electronics engineering partner please get in touch – just click the Contact Us button, top right.

| Posted in: Electronic Design |
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